Tips and Ticks BODMAS Rule

Tips and Ticks BODMAS Rule

BODMAS is an acronym and it stands for Bracket, Of, Division, Multiplication, Addition and Subtraction. 

This explains the order of operations to solve an expression. According to Bodmas rule, if an expression contains brackets ((), {}, []) we have to first solve/simplify the bracket followed by of (powers and roots etc.), then division, multiplication, addition and subtraction from left to right. 

Example :

7 + (6 × 52 + 3) =   7 + (6 × 25 + 3)

7 + (150 + 3)

7 + (153)

7 + 153

Ans: 160.

Clock and Time Problems, Tips and Tricks, Formula

These are the different type of questions asked from this topic.

Type 1:  Find the time when the angle between the two hands are given.

Type 2:  Find the angle between the 2 hands when the time is given.

Type 3:  Find the time, when clocks gaining/losing time.

Type 4:  Find the time in the mirror image.

ക്ലോകിലെ ഓരോ അക്കങ്ങൾക്കിടയിലെ കോണളവ്= 30°.
മിനിറ്റ് സൂചി ഓരോ മിനുറ്റിലും 6° ചുറ്റും.
മണിക്കൂർ സൂചി ഒരു മിനുറ്റിൽ ½°ചുറ്റും.
ഒരുദിവസം Hour, Minute സൂചികൾ 22 തവണ ഒന്നിന് മീതെ ഒന്നായി വരും.
ക്ലോകിലെ സൂ...


Handshake Problem

Suppose there are n people in the party. The first person shakes hand with the other (n-1) guests. The second guest shakes hand with the other (n-2) guests. this will continue until the (n-1) th guest shakes hand with the nth guest.

Total number of handshakes is (n-1) + (n-2).. + 3 + 2 + 1. .

= ((n-1)(n))/2 .

For example, 6 people in a party shake hand with other guests. So how many handshakes will be there?.





Trick to Remember Mughal Emperors


B : Babur.

H : Humayun.

A : Akbar.

JI : Jahangir.

S : Shah jahan.

A : Aurangazeb.

B : Bahadur shah.

JI : Jahandar shah.

For : Farrukhsiyar.

M : Muhammad Shah.

A : Ahmad Shah.

A : Alamgir II.

SA : Shah Alam II.

A : Akbar II.

B : Bahadur Shah Zafar.



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