Kerala PSC Information Technology Questions and Answers

1. ______is the amount of data that a storage device can transfer to the computer per second.

Answer: Data transfer rate

2. UNIVAC means

Answer: Universal Automatic Computer

3. SSL short for?

Answer: Secure Socket Layer

4. The process of loading OS into main memory is called

Answer: Booting

5. In computing, the term \"app\" is short for _____

Answer: Application

6. _____ is a set of computer instructions that processed on the computer?

Answer: Program

7. ________ is an spreadsheet program

Answer: MS-excel

8. _____ is the short cut key for line break in MS-Word?

Answer: Shift + Enter

9. IT stands for ____

Answer: Information Technology

10. ___________ is a process of sending documents to a storage where they are stored until printer prints them.

Answer: Print Spooling

11. PNG stands for _________

Answer: Portable Network Graphic

12. Facsimile Transmission Machine is known as __________

Answer: MODEM

13. ഇന്ത്യയിലെ ആദ്യത്തെ സമ്പൂർണ്ണ ഡിജിറ്റൽ സംസ്ഥാനം

Answer: കേരളം

14. A program that remains in the memory while other programs are executing

Answer: Resident Program

15. CD-ROM है एक–

Answer: मैग्नेटिक मेमोरी

16. इन्टीग्रेटेड सर्किट चिप का विकास किसने किया है?

Answer: जे. एस. किल्बी ने

17. सर्वाधिक शक्तिशाली कम्प्यूटर है–

Answer: सुपर कम्प्यूटर

18. अनुपम क्या है?

Answer: एक सुपर कम्प्यूटर

19. डिजिटल कम्प्यूटर किस सिद्धान्त पर कार्य करता है?

Answer: गणना

20. अरनेट’ (ERNET) क्या है?

Answer: एक कम्प्यूटर नेटवर्क

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