Tips and Ticks Average calculation

Tips and Ticks Average calculation

N = the number of terms 

S = the sum of the numbers in the set.

Average = S/N

For example

The marks of a student in five subjects are 96, 94, 92, 87, and 81, then what is the average score of the student?

N = 5

S = 96 + 94 + 92 + 87 + 81 = 450

A = 450/5 = 90.

Another type questions

1). There are 36 boys and 44 girls in a class. The average score of boys is 40 and girls are 35. Then what will be the average mark?

Total mark of 36 boys = 36 x 40 = 1440

Total mark of 44 girls = 35 x 44 = 1540

Total mark of 80 Students = 1440 + 1540 = 2980 

Average mark of the class = (2980 / 80)

                                          = 37.25

2). The average weight of 15 members in a football team is 24 kg when a new member included, the average weight increases by 2. What is the weight of the new member?

Total weight of 15 member = 24 x 15 = 360 

Average after including a new member = 24 + 2 = 26 

Total weight of 16 member = 26 x 16 = 416 

Weight of the new member = Total weight of 16 member - Total weight of 15 member

    = 416 - 360

    = 56.

Tricks and Tips for Boat and Stream type Questions

Shortcut tricks on boats and streams are one of the most important topics in exams. These are the formulas and examples on Boats and Streams (Cyclist and the wind or Swimmer and stream) questions. These examples will help you to better understand shortcut tricks on boats and streams questions.

There are multiple types of questions asked from these topics. The speed of the boat in still water and the speed of stream will give in questions, You have to find the time taken by boat to go upstream and downstream. .
The speed of the boat in up and down stream will give in question,  you need to find the average speed of the boat.
The speed of boat to go up or down the stream will give in question, you need to find speed of boat in still water and speed of stream.
The time taken by boat to reach a place in up and downstream will given in question, you need to find the distance to the place.



GK പഠനത്തിനു സഹായകരമായ കോഡുകൾ

1) ഇന്ത്യയിലെത്തിയ വിദേശികൾ അവർ വന്ന ക്രമത്തിൽ = PDEF .

Portagese, Dutch,English, French.

2) വൈറ്റമിനുകൾ.

കൊഴുപ്പിൽ ലയിക്കുന്നവ= ADEK.

ജലത്തിൽ  ലയിക്കുന്നവ = BC.

3) കൂടുതൽ States അധികാരപരിധിയിലുള്ള ഹൈകോടതി = ഗുഹാവതി. ഏതൊക്കെ?.

States  Code = MAAN ( മിസോറം,അരുണാചൽപ്രദേശ്, അസം,നാഗാലാൻഡ്‌ ).

4) യുദ്ധങ്ങൾ അവസാനിപ്പിച്ച സന്ധികൾ.

കർണാട്ടിക് യുദ്ധങ്ങൾ...


Trick to remember the name of G-8 Countries.


A : America .

B : Britain.

C : Canada.

F : France.

I : Italy.

R : Russia.

G : Germany.

J : Japan.



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