Famous Scientists and Inventors Famous Scientists and Inventors

Famous Scientists and InventorsFamous Scientists and Inventors

  • Albert Einstein : Came up with the Theory of Relativity and the equation E=mc^2.
  • Alexander Graham Bell : Invented the telephone.
  • Antoine Lavoisier : Father of modern chemistry.
  • Ben Franklin : Inventor and Founding Father of the United States.
  • Francis Crick and James Watson : Discovered the structure of the DNA molecule.
  • Galileo : First used the telescope to view the planets and stars.
  • George Washington Carver : Botanist who was called the "farmers best friend."
  • Henry Ford : Invented the Model T Ford, the first mass produced car.
  • Isaac Newton : Discovered the theory of gravity and the three laws of motion.
  • Jane Goodall : Studied chimpanzees in the wild for many years.
  • Johannes Gutenberg : Invented the printing press.
  • Leonardo da Vinci : Inventor and artist from the Renaissance.
  • Louis Pasteur : Discovered pasteurization, vaccines, and founded the science of germ theory.
  • Marie Curie : Physicist who discovered radioactivity.
  • Rachel Carson : Founder of environmental science.
  • Stephen Hawking : Discovered Hawking Radiation and wrote A Brief History in Time.
  • The Wright Brothers : Invented the first airplane.
  • Thomas Edison : Invented the light bulb, phonograph, and the motion picture.
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Average calculation

N = the number of terms  .

S = the sum of the numbers in the set.

Average = S/N .

For example.

The marks of a student in five subjects are 96, 94, 92, 87, and 81, then what is the average score of the student?.

N = 5.

S = 96 + 94 + 92 + 87 + 81 = 450.

A = 450/5 = 90.

Another type questions .

1). There are 36 boys and 44 girls in a class. The average score of boys is 40 and girls are 35. Then what will be the average mark? .

Total mark of 36 boys = 36 x 40 = 1440.

Total mark of 44 girls = 35 x 44 = 1540.

Total mark of 80 Students = 1440 + 1540 = 2980 .

Average mark of the class = (2980 / 80).



Combinations and Permutations

Permutation and combination related questions are common in PSC and Bank exams.

Before going to Combinations and Permutations, first lean about factorial. .

If \'n\' is a positive integer then, factorial of n is denoted as n! . .

5! = ( 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x 5 ) = 120.

4! = (1 x 2 x 3 x 4 ) = 24.

Permutations are for lists of items, whose order matters and combinations are for group of items where order doesn’t matter. in other words, .

When the order of items doesn\'t matter, it is called as Combination.
When the order of items does matter it is called as Permutation.

The number of permutations of n objects taken r at a time is determined by using this formula:.

P(n,r)=n!/(n−r)! .

Permutation : Listing your 3 favourite football team in order, from list of...


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