Kerala PSC English Questions and Answers 9

161. ___horse is a noble animal

Answer: the

162. That was the _____ question in the paper
a. more difficult
b. difficulty
c. difficultest
d. most difficult

Answer: most difficult

163. Mr. Vikram is ___ teacher.

Answer: a

164. Complete the sentence. ___________ be a lazy boy.

Answer: Never

165. Many people _____________the poor.

Answer: looked down on

166. Nothing______________________disturbs his sleep.

Answer: ever

167. Select the word or phrase which is nearest in meaning to the following word: 'Agenda'

Answer: assignment

168. Either John or Gopal .......... taken my book.

Answer: has

169. "Carpe diem" means :

Answer: Enjoy the present day

170. Of the two sisiters, Gayathri and Theertha, Gayathri is __________ attarctive

Answer: more

171. He is ____________ unique politician.

Answer: a

172. _____the rain stopped ,the play had to be suspended..

Answer: Until

173. How much of the Earth’s total surface area does Asia Covers?

Answer: 8.8%

174. Which one is the longest river in Asia ??

Answer: Yangtze

175. You gained an advantage ____ me.

Answer: over

176. The reported speech of : ‘Don’t shout’, I said to Nancy.

Answer: I told Nancy not to shout

177. Raju bought ____ flowers to decorate the hall.

Answer: bunches of

178. Which word is correctly spelt?

Answer: Traverse

179. Nobody believed Smitha at first but he____ to be right.

Answer: turned out

180. Choose what expresses the meaning of the phrase ‘a black sheep’—

Answer: A family member one disapproves of

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