Kerala PSC English Questions and Answers 3

41. ____ your attention to your work

Answer: give

42. Synonym of the word ‘recur’ is

Answer: repeat

43. Yesterday ________ European called at my house

Answer: a

44. Many Hindus study Sanskrit, but only ________ Muslims study it
a. few
b. a few
c. the few
d. none of these

Answer: a few

45. We didn\'t speak _____ we were eating.

Answer: while

46. The opposite of "Transparent"

Answer: Opaque

47. The girl is very ______ for her age.

Answer: tall

48. The Prime Minister______graciously at the crowd

Answer: grinned

49. He works eight hours ________ day.
a. a
b. an
c. one
d. the

Answer: a

50. ’I wish it wasn't raining means:

Answer: It is raining

51. Inscription on a gravestone is called

Answer: epitaph

52. The feminie gender of 'milkman' is

Answer: milkmaid

53. Choose the correctly spel word :

Answer: Corresponding

54. The antonym of 'curiosity' is ___________

Answer: anxiety

55. I saw ___one eyed man

Answer: a

56. ‘Ipso jure’ means:

Answer: By the law

57. I can’t find my binoculars. Do you know where _____?

Answer: they are

58. Arbiter means:

Answer: Appointed by two parties to settle a dispute

59. ‘A person who abstains from all kinds of alcoholic drinks’ is called a—

Answer: Teetotaller

60. Choose what expresses the meaning of ‘pull the wool over one’s eye’—

Answer: Deceive

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